Keeping the Atlantic Karate Club’s Flame Burning

Glenn Euloth is the chief instructor of the Atlantic Karate Club in Halifax, Nova Scotia. Started in 1969, the AKC has been one of the longest-running and most successful martial arts dojo in the country, producing a long line of teachers, competitors, and highly skilled Chito-Ryu karateka under inspired leaders such as Michael Delaney and…

Ryusei Canada Summer Camp 2024

From July 12 to 13, Canada held its annual Ryusei Summer Camp in the beautiful resort area near Barry’s Bay, Ontario. The camp was special because it brought together long-time members from Ontario and Quebec with new ones, including people from Atlantic Canada and Whitby. Our long-time friends from Pittsburgh and Florida also joined us,…

Entretien avec les instructeurs du Dojo Onnano/Interview with the Instructors of Onnano Dojo

Ce qui suit est une entrevue avec Chantal Lepage et Anik DesRosiers, les deux instructeurs du Onnano Dojo de Sherbrooke, Québec (Canada). Le dojo a été fondé par Chantal en 2001, dédié à aider les femmes victimes de violence et d’autres types d’abus. Aujourd’hui, le dojo suit toujours ce mandat et propose régulièrement des cours…

Chito-Ryu: The Next Generation

Senior practitioners of Chito-ryu karate live under long shadows. First there is enormous shadow cast by founder Tsuyoshi Chitose, a martial arts virtuoso who studied under many masters and synthesized what he learned into his remarkable art. Then there are the shadows cast by the pioneers who introduced Chito-ryu to their countries and amassed impressive…

Ryusei Manual Published

The English-language Ryusei Karate-Do Technical Manual was published last fall. It includes a translation of the original Japanese manual, written by Sakamoto-Sensei, with his understanding of Chito-ryu technique, as well some excursions into history and philiosophy. To this we have added illustrations of the lower belt techniques, kata and bunkai and an expanded glossary. To top this…

Illustrating Our Manual

In trying to create a kyu belt manual for Ryusei Karate-Do, we were faced with a difficult challenge in how to illustrate our kihon, kata and kaisetsu. We didn’t have the money to hire an illustrator, and no one in our organization had the requisite skills. So we were lucky when Kambiz Miranbigi and Rick Going joined…

Block the Line

Years ago, at a drinking party in Japan, I finally worked up enough nerve to pose a question that I was afraid would sound stupid. But it was something that had bugged me for a long time. Why do we have the separate basic exercises Kihon Dosa 1 and Kihon Dosa 2? These are the…

The Greatest Martial Arts Movie Ever Made

I believe the greatest martial arts movie ever made is Groundhog Day (1993), starring Bill Murray and Andie MacDowell. In it, full-of-himself Pittsburgh TV weatherman Phil Connors (Murray) is sent with a producer Rita (MacDowell) and cameraman Larry to Punxsutawney, Penn., to cover its Groundhog Day festivities, on February 2. Phil talks the talk, but doesn’t walk…